Vancouver Island Marmot | Copyright 1988 Andrew Bryant

SlushWear supports efforts to protect and recover the population of the Vancouver Island Marmot (shown above). The population of Canada's most endangered species currently sits at an estimated 36 individuals in the wild, and 39 individuals in captivity. Thus there are only 75 of these animals left in the entire world. The Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Foundation is instrumental in the ongoing efforts to protect marmot habitat and provide captive breeding programs, in order to facilitate the recovery of the marmot population.

To assist in this program, SlushWear CEO/Webmaster Jesse Cian Fawcett has released a CD of his own atmospheric/ambient music, which can be found at The CD is titled "Nuu'chalnuth", after the local indigenous population. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the CD will go the the Marmot Recovery Foundation, and an equal portion will be donated to The Land Conservancy of British Columbia, which purchases lands from private holdings in order to protect wildlife habitat and fragile ecosystems. They are in the process of completing a $5.3 million purchase of lands in the Sooke Hills, where SlushWear is based. The percentage of proceeds from the sale of the CDs which will be donated to these two organizations will depend on the number of sales, increasing by 1% for every 15 sales, up to a total of 75%. The percentage will reset periodically (in order to encourage sustained purchasing rates).